My experience as a customer and how I tried to help

I am a customer but there wasn’t really a flair for this:

I had to go to my local Joann’s a few days ago cause I needed fabric to make a dress. So I’m at the counter getting all my fabric cut when this lady walks up the counter and hefts down a bag and pulls out her sewing machine. Then she starts her rant about how she’d sign up for a class but that’s not offered and she can’t call singer cause they don’t have classes she doesn’t know how to use YouTube and she wants help with her “automatic threader” because it’s not working. The counter lady 1 tries to help her but she’s got no idea how to use it. Then the customer starts giving the other 2 lady’s crap saying well can’t one of you help me? Come on someone in fabrics has to know how to do this. I’m watching all this unfold, and the sweet old lady who was helping me I can tell is getting more and more flustered.

Also I should note the fabric counter is swamped and the front desk just called and took one of the ladies from there to go to check out.

The lady helping me asks “there should have been a book with the machine did you bring it?” The lady huffs and says “there was 1 sheet of paper in it and it was useless. So no I didn’t bring it cause it’s useless.” And counter lady 1 goes, “well the only one who may be able to help you is her.” And points to the lady helping me, and I can tell this sweet old woman is about 2 seconds away from loosing her shit, throwing her hands in the air, and raining hell down on this woman. So I kinda say what this lady needs to do and she’s on me like a damn hawk. So I smile to the counter lady helping me and tell her how much of each fabric I need cut and move to try and help this entitled lady with her sewing machine. And trying to figure out the nicest way of saying you bought a cheap ass Singer (like literally the cheapest machine Singer makes) and you’re wanting something an expensive machine does. Like she wants a true automatic threader and her having to do work to thread the machine is false advertisement. After showing her multiple times how to do it, where she can go to find a better step by step guide, and saying that if she wants a true automatic threader she will need to buy a more expensive machine that actually does that for her. She huffs and packs up her machine and leaves. I turn to the sweet old lady who helped me at the counter I smile at her and tell her I hope she has a better day. The look of gratitude said more than her words could.

I know the people working at Joann’s are going through so much, whether their store is closing or not (the fabric counter got three phone calls while I was there about returns from a store that is closing) just know there are some customers that do care and are empathetic to your plight. I hope tomorrow is a better day ❤️