To the managers

I was originally writing this in response to a team member's frustration i saw on here but decided it would be better to just make it a post.

I have been in retail management for 30 years now and have seen a lot of things. Take my advice with a grain of salt i guess but here goes:

The managers here need to understand that they are in charge and that they are allowed to make the decisions. DM's and above have received their warn notices and are not going to be around as long as the stores so they mostly don't care what we do so long as we take care of our teams. (At least the decent ones.)

The priority of the sm needs to be the team and making their job/life as easy as possible right now. There are no more corporate overlords that are going to come down on you for audits or other stupid shit like inventory control.

Concern yourself with LEGAL compliance. Making sure everyone is paid correctly, getting lunches and breaks stuff like that

Things like locking the peg hooks still is ridiculous, stop wasting everyone's time. Stop worrying about payroll, we are bringing in so much that the hours DO NOT MATTER. Do not let the teams drown because you have been trained to control labor for the last few years. Nobody is going to co.e in and fire you for stuff like this.

Put the signs up the liquidator wants, process the trucks and get thru the customers as quickly as possible. Hire if you need to but just stop with the bullshit RuLeS , those died with the company last week.