Two customers I had the privilege of helping today
- I’m at the register and a lady with her tiny dog come up to me. She points at the hiring signs our liquidation representative hung yesterday. We are hiring. We need the help. Lines are Black Friday long all day long and we can only have 2-3 cashiers at any one time.
She starts complaining about us hiring. “Don’t they know you’re closing? Who’s going to want to be hired in when they know you’re closing. That’s extremely stupid of them to do.”
My response back was basically “yes we ARE hiring. You just waited in line for a very very long time because there’s only two of us up here. Is that going to be cash or card?”
No one was making her apply…what the heck? Never would I have ever thought someone would be upset a company wants more help. mind blown
- Customer brings up two of those gigantic plastic outdoor vases (they are about $35 sale price each for reference) and she says “I just saw the signs that you aren’t accepting gift cards. Well I have one. Can I use it?” I, of course, say no that she can’t and she starts arguing with me.
She never saw anywhere that we were stopping gift cards. No where on the site did it say it. No where in her email did it say it. No where at all did she see it. It’s not fair of us to exclude her gift card.
She asks me to ask my manager if I can discount her items since I won’t accept her gift cards, she “only wants 20% off”. My MOD luckily came up at that moment so I asked him to explain that we aren’t accepting gift cards. He did. She says “can you ask your store manager if I can have a discount?” Like WTF lady. So I did. And my SM screamed NO DISCOUNTS.
“Well I guess this [gift card] is trash now. Thanks”
You’re welcome. Have a great day hahaha