This SM ruined a small store
I would like to continue the discussion from u/vampiremorgue about the current SM at my old Joann’s location. I had left this store in June of 2024 because I sought out a better opportunity at a different company and am so thankful I did so, as well as due to experiencing all the toxicity this individual had caused. Therefore I’m going to name off a few of the noteworthy things that had happened while working with her.
Working with that SM was just knowing I would be doing all the work myself and asking multiple times over the radio for help, for example when it was just her and I, i got to the store at 8:30 am and did not have any help from the SM until 10:30 am after cashing and cutting fabric all by myself. Even so that my friend still working there tells me of the hours they spend up front doing all the work while the SM is in the back doing who knows what, or maybe she’s sitting on a chair in an aisle and “recovering things”.
This SM also had inappropriate conversations with me while on the floor that made me uncomfortable and cause me much more anxiety and panic about my health. Don’t think it’s appropriate to be telling your associates that they are pregnant cause they have a cramp or don’t feel good.
Her son had started working for us seasonally in 2023 for the holidays and continued to work there after that. Yet somehow he was getting more hours than me, someone who had been there almost 2 years and he was there for maybe 2 months or so. At this time I was in college but still had around 20 hours of availability a week and may have even left classes early to help out (had a professor that didn’t mind if I did so) A moment once she said “See there’s no nepotism here!” after she told him to “Get to work.” but he still would never pick up the phone if he was right in front of it.
There was even an incident where a keyholder that had only been around for a few months under her management and was fired for no call no showing, the individual was clearly showing signs of needing mental help and how did the SM deal with this? She, in a group chat of current keyholders at the time INCLUDING the one in question that was fired, had taken it upon herself to call her a “Druggie Loser” because the fired keyholder’s boyfriend dropped off her keys. The unprofessionalism is unbelievable and this was the point I knew I couldn’t be in such a toxic environment under this SM. (I do have receipts of this conversation)
I could go on with countless other things that had happened but I would like to say an honorable thank you to the keyholders and TMs that made my experience at Joann’s nothing but amazing. The keyholders working doubles from the neglect of the SM that would barely work her required hours for the week and would sit in the back while we all worked our asses off upfront to keep the place running. I do know the state of the company now and it saddens me deeply as a crafter and artist, but for this I wanted to bring awareness that there are people like this that were able to get away with so much bs it’s insane.