Clarification: 2 yard minimum and Rems

I posted this as a comment to a different post but I thought it was an important enough that it deserved its own thread…

First of all I suspect people are using the phrase remnant (rem) when they mean end of bolt (EOB). Secondly, The EOB process is intended to mimic the rem process. After all you are simply selling the eob as a rem to the customer right then and there rather than rolling it up and putting a label on it.

So with that in mind: - anything less than 2 yards should be sold at the regular price (i.e. the current price minus the current discount) - any end of bolt fabric that is left after a minimum 2 yard cut can be sold at the rem price (i.e. the current price minus the current discount minus 50%).

This mimics exactly what would happen if a customer took 2 yards and left, for example, 27” behind.