veteran would be his best album if...
If the rest of the album was anything like the first 6 tracks (1539 N. Calvert, Real Nega, Thug Tears, Dayum, Baby I'm Bleeding, My Thoughts on Neogaf Dying), it would easily be his best album. it gets a bit anti listener and abstract in the middle, like he gave up on making good sounding songs and opted for abstract songs. more like sample collages. that goes on for like 13 minutes.
And the last 2/3 of the album is like ok songs, starting at Whole Foods, Macaulay Culkin, Williamsburg, Rainbow Six. they're good... but after the phenomenal opening of the album it pales in comparison. i feel like you can just tell he wanted to put his best songs at the start because he was more proud of them. i still think it's overall a great effort, and it makes sense that it's his "breakout record" that got him noticed
when I ignore some of those middle songs I think it's his best work. As a rapper, it's his best. some of his best beats other than cornballs or ghost pop. and I get that he probably structured the album to have the harsher songs on the rear end of the album, like a reverse Black Ben Carson structure. It's like he's wrapping these abstract weird songs in a pretty packaging by surrounding them with good songs, but now the abstract songs become the bulk of the project.. I don't know how I feel about that. sorry for the essay. im white..
LMK your thoughts on Veteran