Reddit exclusive proof of malicious prosecution 🚨
The televised videos I evaluated and compared are from: 1. Law & Crime Network - Karen Read trial day 20 ⏱️~ 7:00:41 (CF McCarthys surveillance) 2. Law and Crime Network - Karen Read trial day 7 ⏱️~ 6:51:23
You do not have to believe my video above, you can literally go verify everything for yourself 👌🏼
When compared, you see “face-swapping”/morphing with John and his friend at CF McCarthys (amongst other visible manipulation) which was then used to create a “fake” John in the parking lot surveillance video of the Waterfall. You can observe face and clothing morphing, but most importantly for the Karen Read case is the added manipulation of John holding an alcoholic beverage.
The prosecution has highlighted and hammered down on her level of alcohol consumption relevant to the lesser included charges. If AI was used on video to manipulate any part of that argument, we have another huge reason for dismissal outright.
It is both a criminal and civil law violation to fabricate video evidence with AI, to then use against a defendant to secure a conviction on charges brought upon them.
This is the definition of malicious prosecution. Dismissal is the only remedy at this point, and any further corrective action for these violations are at the discretion of the defense.
📱If you have a clear line of communication to the defense, you have all the permissions to forward this. I left messages for Yanetti, Bederow, and Jackson - but I truly have no idea how to make sure this is seen and heard quickly. I’m not going to “assume” they have this info, and I’d rather annoy them with it than not share it at all. We are ALL here because we know Karen is innocent.
Any confirmation that someone has contacted them directly is appreciated, and it will allow me to not keep sending the same messages to the defense team. 🙌🏼