Keto CURED a very NSFW male medical condition....

What I’m about to share might sound wild, but it happened to me, and it’s completely true.

A few months ago, my diet was terrible - sugar, wheat, cake, fast food - just an all-around disaster. Then, one random morning, I woke up, looked down at my tool (let’s call it that), and noticed a small mark on the tip. I assumed it had rubbed against my zipper or something and didn’t think much of it.

Over the next few weeks, however, things got worse. Spots started appearing, the skin dried out, white lesions formed, and eventually, the issue spread all the way to my rear. When it became unbearable, I went to the doctor. They initially diagnosed it as balanitis (please, do yourself a favor and don’t look it up) and prescribed antifungal cream, assuring me it would clear up in a week or two.

It didn’t. In fact, things got worse.

I did some research and found that fluconazole might help, so I bought some and gave it a shot. No luck. At this point, I went back to the doctor. This time, they suggested getting tested for STDs and prescribed a stronger cream. My test results came back completely clear, but the new cream still did nothing. Meanwhile, my diet remained awful, and my condition continued to deteriorate.

Fast forward three months. One day, I woke up with a blister—yes, a huge, painful blister—right on the tip. It hurt to sit, to walk, and the skin had started to crack and bleed. Things had officially hit rock bottom ( I took images from the start, I won't share them here, but honestly it's really really bad how things got, it was like a massive yellow-colored water balloon was sitting on my tool and it was fucking unbearable).

I rushed to the hospital, where doctors examined me. One male doctor admitted he had never seen anything like it before—except maybe in a single medical textbook decades ago. They suggested seeing a specialist, but the next available appointment was 7-10 weeks away. During the visit, the topic of blood sugar and diabetes came up. The doctor mentioned that, in some cases, diabetes might cause skin issues. But my bloodwork was normal, and I wasn’t diabetic, so they left it at that.

I walked out feeling frustrated but also hopeful that the specialist would have answers.

That conversation about blood sugar stuck with me, though. It made me think about my diet—how much sugar, carbs, and junk I had been consuming. The next day, I decided that until my specialist appointment, I would switch to keto. I had done keto before on and off, so it wasn’t new to me, but this time, I went extreme—eggs, meat, some veggies, and the occasional sugar-free drink.

For the first week, nothing changed. But after about three weeks, I noticed something: less pain, fewer lesions, and my skin actually looking normal again. The white spots that had completely taken over started vanishing. Two more weeks later, the wounds healed, the spots were 95% gone, and my skin felt moisturized and healthy. Another week after that? Back to normal, aside from one or two tiny lingering spots.

I was shocked. I had made zero other changes—no creams, no new medication, nothing. Just diet.

I don’t know why keto worked. Was I on the path to diabetes, and my body was warning me? Did my diet somehow trigger an extreme inflammatory response? I have no idea. All I know is that keto fixed whatever was happening. Maybe it was something else I'm not aware of, but all I know is before keto I was sick, and during/after keto my sickness went away.

I still plan to see the specialist, just to get their opinion, but as far as treatment goes, I don’t need anything anymore. Maybe if I went back to my old diet, the issue would return—but honestly, after this experience, I’m not willing to find out.

Just wanted to share this bizarre but eye-opening experience.

TLDR: My little (but actually BIG 😆) johnny boy got sick in an odd way and the only thing that made him healthy was keto.

Update: I have seen the specialist dermatologist and had my gut test done, the results of the latter are yet to come back but they believe there might be some bacterial-gut infection. The dermatologist confirmed that it was indeed a very nasty form of Lichen Planus + Bacterial Infection I suffered, and maybe in the first time in my life a doctor agreed with me and said the diet is likely to have helped. He mentioned that with auto-immune conditions you never know how it starts but reducing inflamation, sugar and food-irritants is extremly helpful in narrowing/resolving conditions. Yay for KETO :)