Valentines Day Lift - My First Kettlebell Love, the One Armed Long Cycle
Clip on the left is around 3-4 years ago, looks like 10rpm and I believe it was 100 reps in 10 minutes. This was a couple of months into my Kettlebell training journey. I was in decent shape, but my technique with bells was awful.
Clip on the right is this morning. Last of 30 minutes at 12 rpm - 368 reps total, easy set as I'm recovering from a cold/flu. Still in decent shape, but much better technically. Muscular endurance for KB lifting is also much better.
This is what practicing a sport for over three years looks like. Currently training for 2 hour lifting with 2x16kg
Grateful for all the great people I've met here in this sub who have been part of my motivation for continued KB lifting!