Long Kilt
UPDATED I need to get my hubby a kilt for a wedding this fall. My understanding is that kilts are normally knee length. I need something that will cover his knees, even while sitting. Is that a thing? I could sew him one... But I don't really want to. Why is he wearing a kilt? Cause his sister, the bride, wants him to. He isn't opposed. We do have some Scottish, but it takes a few generations to get there. I think the groom really wants it too - but I can't remember. Mostly they said 'wear a kilt' and be said 'okay.'
Why cover the knees? Everyone's burning question. We are Later Day Saints- many call us Mormon. Our underclothes, which we call garments, are a sacred demonstration of our reverence for God, the covenants we've made with Him, and serve as a symbol of Christ's atonement. We keep them private by covering them with our clothes. Our bottom garments come down to our knees. I was asking about what kind of kilt he wanted- he said he didn't really know much about them. I said I'd research them and tell him. He said we will have to find one that covers the knees. I said yup, I'll see what I can find.
I was looking at trews. I think they aren't what the couple wants- but I'll have to ask. I also think my husband would prefer a kilt to trews - but I'll have to ask about that too. A long Kilt might look silly- but much of life does. And 95% of people there will be aware of our modest customs anyway. I appreciate all the helpful replies.