Unpopular opinion I’d like KFBF thoughts on: I love interactive art, but gamer/geek/nerd culture is cringe.
This will get downvoted to oblivion/is Reddit crucification material but it needs to be said and I know it’s an unpopular opinion for a fact. Also it would be nice to know I’m not alone with this.
I genuinely believe interactive art —
whether you call them games, digital experiences, or something else —
is the most powerful artistic medium humanity has ever created because it closest resembles life itself,
this thing we all experience where we are the main character, and it literally doesn’t exist without our input. It’s art where you are the art. Beautiful and profound, right?
Too bad it’s drowned out by childish gamer culture and its awful slang focused on distraction, recreation and competition.
I hate words like loadout, AOE, PvP/PvE, AFK.
I hate when people say they ‘beat’ a game.
It’s all so cringe and lame.
With very few exceptions (where a true effort has been made to basically create real-world accurate versions of in-game assets), cosplay and convention culture are bleh too.
It makes gaming feel like a weird club with its own insular, juvenile language instead of an art form that should be taken seriously.
Imagine if people talked about movies the way gamers talk about games — it would be unbearable.
On top of that, I hate how gaming is still associated with poor physical and mental health on a stereotype level.
The image of the unhealthy, socially awkward gamer shouldn’t still be a thing in 2025.
This medium deserves better, but it keeps getting dragged down by a culture that refuses to grow up.
By this time in its lifespan filmmaking Hitchcock, Capra and Lang were rising.
We have Kojima, who is like the Kubrick of games to some degree, but precious few other true artists.
Filmmaking didn’t have this billion-dollar fuelled industry pulling it away from artistry and more towards industry.
It’s really bad, and I know this will get ignored and downvoted, like most UOs.
If you care to not just downvote/ignore and move on, would be interested in your thoughts.