Mourned the Oasis - Happy with the Signature Paperwhite: Why?

I loved the page turn buttons on the Oasis. I could hold onto the reader and tap the page turn button with one hand while I read late into the evening. So I kept waiting for a new Oasis version. Alas, that was not to be...

However, the battery on my Oasis recently began to hold less and less of a charge. A 100% charge began to last for only three to four hours. I didn't want to be without a Kindle, so I purchased the Paperwhite Signature.

As it turns out, I am quite happy. I still hold the Paperwhite with one hand, and I can still "turn the pages" by simply tapping on the screen. This is very similar to tapping a hardware button. I thought a swipe was the only way to turn a page -- and that often required two hands.

At any rate, I've adapted quite easily to the new device - and encourage those of you who feel you can't live without page turn buttons -- to give it a try.

Good luck!