I Found My Family's Coat of Arms in Game! [KCD2]

While on a walk through a certain camp, I came across a pavise which caught my eye. It took me a moment before I realized, in complete disbelief, that not only had I seen it before, it bore my family's coat of arms!

This is the coat of arms of the town of Enns in Austria - one of the oldest in the country. I won't claim to know anything about it personally, as I live in North America and my only association with the place is my last name - but it was nothing short of surreal to see this. Kingdom Come is already so special to me for bringing history to life, but seeing my own family history feature in a game, in no matter how small a way, was an experience that no other game could ever give me.

I have no idea whether it's inclusion is historically accurate. It could have simply been a design an artist at Warhorse liked and chose to include - but I'm not sure if it matters to me. No matter how the design got into the game, a shield with that design certainly hasn't been carried in centuries. But in 2025, my ancestors' shields have been taken up once more, and the millions of people who play this game will see their colours!

Screenshot and museum example included.

