[KCD2] Necessary Evil or "Oh boy, that escalated quickly"

After having spend several dozen hours doing sidequests and fuck around my Henry finally attended the wedding. I saved Hans from the Gallows, and managed to somehow get all the necessary information (I hope?) from the prisoner without torturing him.

And then everything kinda escalated. I rode with Hashek to Semines Estate to arrest his son. But then chose to side with Jan Semine because Hashek (Who I had never even met before) wanted to just kill everybody instead of just arresting Olda. The estate burned down nevertheless and every person in the country thinks we slaughtered everyone because we kept it a secret that Semine and the others fled so of course the Bailiff now thinks his daughter Agnes is dead.

I tried to savescum to figure a way out of if this situation but the only different option was for Henry to confess the whole thing to Bergow and get executed? Man, did I royally fuck this up... is there a better way to handle this? Dafuq just happened?