Danielle of njz's message for young artists

“There are trainees nowadays starting at an even younger age, and I feel like, I’m definitely not saying all the trainees would be in this kind of situation, I’m just saying that there could be trainees that, like me, are constantly being held in a position where they are non-stop being compared and non-stop being ranked, and that’s heartbreaking and that worries me. Just because those trainees, those children, have a dream to one day perform on stage and be a performer, they shouldn’t be treated like that. (…) I just don’t think trainees or artists should be experiencing even a remotely similar situation to what I went through at that stage, ‘cause it’s so heartbreaking. What if they don’t have the voice, the support that they need and deserve? (…) On behalf of those trainees and young artists out there that don’t have the voice to speak out, please, people should be treated as people. Every individual deserves respect and dignity.”

I think the sentiment is very nice, but the reaction online is kind of odd. I'm seeing people saying she's the first to ever come out about this. And I can't help but remember when Hyuna shared a similar sentiment when she expressed her concern and support for them. Instead of seeing her message as sweet and heart warming, some fans said that she was "hoping they were being mistreated." In the past when people expressed their concern for how young they were, fans brushed it off and said that everyone was just jealous of them. Now the members come out and say it's been difficult and all of a sudden the fans see them as victims. Maybe I'm making a connection that doesn't exist, but I find it a little odd how the fans have changed their mindset.

Edit: I am in no way trying to invalidate her message. I think it's important to voice concern for young trainees and artists. I just find the reaction from fans to be kind of hypocritical, and there's definitely some irony here