I Hate How Everyone at Concerts Are Phone Zombies Now.
Went to a concert recently and I was disappointed. This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed this behavior but this is definitely the worst I’ve seen. I was singing my heart out (my throat hurt afterwards), jumping up and down and shaking my lightstick to the beat, sitting in the second row and most people in front of me were barely moving, mouth closed, just filming the entire thing. Don’t get me wrong, I took some pictures & videos (honestly they look really bad because they’re shaky from my jumping & have their heads cut off at points because I wasn’t looking at my phone) but filming the entire thing and not moving or even singing along, watching the entire thing through a screen? I was going wild, having the time of my life and it was like no one was moving. The crowd vibe was just disappointing, at least from where I was standing :/ Shoutout to the one girl in front of me though, she knew some of the choreography and did it during some of the songs! The idols were full of energy and the crowd was just obsessed with getting every minute of the show perfectly on their phones. It’s like the group was giving 110% & the crowd was giving none of the energy back. If you wanna watch the show through your phone just watch fancams. Then again, they paid for it, so I guess it’s none of my business.