Maybe This Will Encourage Someone

This is a powerful experience that happened to me long before i ever heard of LOA,

At the time, i lived way out in the country and worked as a faux finish artist for a business that constructed the interiors of private planes. There were many surfaces in the planes which clients wanted to look like granite, marble or fantasy finishes, without the weight. So, i would be given a sample and would then paint counters and tabletops to match. This job was great, because i could pick up the tops, paint them at home and then deliver my work to the company.

I'd worked for this business several years and suddenly they no longer called me up to do any painting jobs. Six months passed and i became nearly desperate, due to living in the middle of nowhere and having two small children-- i couldn't just go and "get a job".

In the middle of the mental turmoil i literally heard what was like an internal Voice speak to me:

That Company is not the Source of your supply!

I was shocked, realizing i'd been trusting my job to meet my needs, rather than Source in me. I felt an indescribable PEACE come over me although nothing appeared to have changed. Everything looked just as bleak, but i felt different.

Within that very week, the Manager called me up and asked me if i wanted another painting commission! I said Certainly, and he told me that my cousin's husband, who was also an artist, had heard of my lucrative job and had come in and taken it. They preferred the fact that he worked in-house. But that week, he had gotten into a serious fight with someone at the business and was fired.

This was NOT coincidence, and once i had learned a priceless lesson, i was given my job back. I heard the voice of Source in me (as it is in all of us). I learned and often remind myself that no job, friend, relative, government, bank, or even money itself is my Source.

The only Source is within all of us and is always watching out for us and meeting our needs. Whatever we need, we can ask. It's our gold mine, buried treasure, and best friend. When we ask and wait for our answer, it will come.