Highlights from Zeus's stream about Worlds 2024
Zeus stream: https://vod.sooplive.co.kr/player/141756831
About bonking his head
- Felt fine but when he touched his head he saw blood and asked Faker to see. He then went backstage, blood stopped after they wiped it off
- Didn't hurt because of the adrenaline from how happy he was.
Behind the scenes filiming on the teaser video
- FIlmed for 3 days, was shocked at Riot telling the teams to head to the top of the O2 arena. But he said yes since everyone else didn't complained. Top of the arena had a bouncy surface so he felt uneasy, it was scary going down.
- complained that they had an hour of shooting only to use a couple of seconds
Spoiled the MVP for the rest of the team
- When he was backstage, he asked who won MVP. They said Faker won so when he went back onto stage and congratulated Faker. But the team didn't know yet so they were like huh?
About the fan that ran up on stage
- Fan looked really happy and didn't look like a threat so he let him pass
- He wasn't thinking, just heard the fan screaming "Faker is my goat" so he was like "he is here" and walked out of the way.
Finals trophy
- Says that his Finals MVP Trophy felt more cheap compared to Fakers. Faker's trophy looks cooler so he wanted it more.
Skin Choices
- Ranking is Camille, Gnar, Gragas
- Waiting for the RIot concept arts, but if he was to pick Gnar, he wants mini-gnar to wear his glasses because it would be cute.
- Still prefers Camille over Gnar
About his walkout against GEN
- He used to get nervous but not anymore because of his experience.
- Was also trying to show his not nervous expression. He was more thinking abotu how loud it was
4 deaths on rumble during game 4 vs BLG
- said that while it must have been scary for the viewers. He felt good even when dieing.
On hitting Oner after winning Worlds
- said that he didn't hit Oner that hard. It just looks that way because of the jacket, but he has to ask later.
How winning this year felt to last year
- Said that last year there were good vibes that they could win. Winning this year didn't feel as good as last year but they worked harder this year.
T1 players being late
- Said faker was late a lot so he spent a lot in Europe. (There was a video of Faker walking around with 5 Spurs jerseys, he had to buy all of that)
- Who was late at practice the most?
- Faker
- Zeus/ Gumayusi
- Oner
- Keria is usually on time
- Michelin star restaurant wasn't that good. T1 has so much late fee money that they will use it for next meals together
- Gen.g was the hardest to laneswap against
- said that surviving lane swaps is about vibes. You have to use everything and think to yourself that you must survive.
- They talked a lot about lane swap, especially with Guma.
- Talked with guma a lot about lane swap so thats why he mentioned him during the press conference
- Also said that he had fun filming content with Guma
About the games
- been practicing the Ornn pick against Rumble for a long time [7 years]. Was very confident in the matchup
- Teasing Keria about his reaction after the GEN.G series. said that Keria was aware of the camera so was pretending to cry.
- Game 4 was unreal. Vibes were so good after game 4. Felt more relaxed and they have more experience. . Whoever wins game 4 has such a big advantage
- Moment he heard silver scrapes in the arena he thought about 2022 but the situation was different so he had confidence.
- Sad that he didn't have any highlights to show on stream
- Picked Maokai because they scrimmed WBG and it looked really good into Jax. Would win 1v1 in the sidelane later and is good in teamfights, When it didn't work decided to opt more into Gragas vs Jax