Insights from Doublelift on his stream about the creation of his team (Talks about Tyler1, why TF Blade, their goals, etc)
Source from DL’s stream, starts at around 01:18:00 and ends at around 01:39:00:
- To increase their viewership, the main objective of the team
- Make a run for LTA(Part of the content)
- Making content no one has seen before
- They will show scrims, team meetings, reviews,
- Wants to be as transparent as DSG - show how much money they make off merch, sponsors
- But cannot promise this, maybe some sponsors are going to not be comfortable, but he will give as much access.
- Could be the greatest content ever because either they will stomp everyone or it is a complete sh*tshow
Formation of the team
- Happened in the last 72 hours
- Started with DL talking to Pobelter and Spica about playing in Open qualifiers for fun. To do something different on stream
- Then it turned into a thing where they needed 5 people for a team, then it turned into a way bigger thing where a lot of people and “moving parts” are interested in collaborating and doing stuff because they would be very popular
- All that he has been working on for the last couple of days
- Has not talked to Caedral about a potential show match with Los Ratones but thinks it's a cool idea
Why no Tyler1?
- Originally ghosted DL
- Later said that “My first time playing in 3 months was yesterday I would get embarrassed”
- So just hasn’t played a lot and isn’t confident
Why TF Blade?
- Talented
- Does not think he will be toxic in a serious team environment
- Has lots of viewers and fans
- Controversial which will bring attention to their matches
- Need a wildcard on the team
- Like Baus in how there is a question about whether they will be good in a competitive environment
- DL thinks he will do good
- Not a 1-trick, has a wide pool and can learn new champions really well for a solo-q player
- DL thinks that he’s more mature than people give him credit for
- They will not change the roster at all
What happens if they make the spot in LTA?
- He will see, but he is not interested in competing or playing seriously. Does not want to live the lifestyle of a proplayer anymore.
- Tomorrow at 12-5 pm PST against supernova
- Friday at 12-5 pm PST against ??? with sub for Biofrost
- Will be running the business side of the team
- 3 orgs are already interested in sponsoring them
Is it fair for the rest of the NACL?
- NACL has lots of full-time players and coaches that scrim as much as the LTA teams
- They will not be scrimming full time, maybe once or twice a week
- But the plan is to make it to NACL
- “Would be embarrassing to lose to us because I am almost 32”
Team name - 2 rules
- While they are like NA Los Ratones does not want to be cringe and be like a derivative of them like The Rats or The Exterminators
- Unnamed player does not want to be reference being washed or Old (Says to please not point fingers at anyone)
- Fantastic Five or FF (DL’s chat does not like it and wants UNC Academy)
- Not important will come up with it later
- Not sure that they will have one
- Will have guest coaches at times like for tomorrow’s scrims (Meteos, LS, etc.)
Why not go the Caedral route and coach?
He would have preferred to coach and have a random challenger or academy ADC
But he thinks that the fans will much rather see him play then coach the team