RiotPhroxzon's Insights on Demon's Hand, 25.06 Naafiri/Gwen Micropatch, and Arena
"This patch we launched the Demon's Hand!!
Congratulations to the team for perservering and launching an awesome combination of storytelling and fun gameplay. Can already see a ton of players experimenting with fun combinations!
A reminder: You can re-order your sigils !! General rule of thumb to use +flat value sigils first and multiply later
We also micropatched changes to Naafiri and Gwen and fixed the issue for Swiftplay settings being on Ranked.
So far, the changes have launched Naafiri jungle up closer to her power level in mid, which should hopefully increase her pickrate and popularity overall.
For Gwen, it's a bit early to see if the power curve adjustments are working as we intended, so we'll re-monitor early next week.
Finally, Arena has been doing great on release so far, we've seen much higher champion variety from Bravery and Crowd Favorites rather than seeing the same champions repeatedly every game. We're also experimenting a bit with Mode specific progression systems, with Fame giving reasons to come back and play different champions. It's a bit early to tell how long this will hold up, so we'll be monitoring closely.
Arena was a great fit for Noxus and we're happy to finally see it out and thriving! We really wanted to find ways to get a bit of that lore and narrative focus, featuring each of the famous Noxian reckoners!"
- Base HP reduced 650 >>> 620
- Base Armor reduced 39 >>> 36
- Base HP regeneration reduced 9 >>> 7.5
HP regeneration per level reduced 0.9 >>> 0.7
Base AD reduced 57 >>> 55