Day 4 sober. Social anxiety is fading.
20m, been smoking everyday since I was 16. Ive always been a very observant overthinking introvert, or so I thought. The crippling social anxiety I’ve had my whole life is starting to fade I feel like. I was downtown making conversations with random people, cashiers, whoever. It felt so good to be here in the present moment for once. The overthinking every single interaction wasn’t there for once and it feels so liberating. I’m making decisions I want to make, not worried about how other people might perceive whatever it is I’m doing. Comfortable in my own skin. It’s so ironic, I always thought weed was helping me with my anxiety but holy fuck was I wrong, it kept me chained down the entire time. This is only day 4 as well! I know I’m just starting this journey but man, I’m so motivated to quit I feel like a brand new person. The urges are still there but I know I won’t give in. This sub has been a HUGE help. Every single person in here thank you and I wish you all the best in your journey!