Literally feel magnetically forced to get high

I just really need some advice. I know this sounds ridiculous. I am someone who doesn’t really get high during the day but always eats an edible or 3 around 5pm. I always regret it around 10-11pm. By this time, I’ve eaten too much food, zoned out completely, and just overall feel like shit. I start every morning with the intention: I’m not going to get high today. Then the everyday stressors: work, kid, bills, groceries all add up and I feel like I have an excuse to have an edible because I’m so “stressed” with life. I will literally drive 10 minutes to the dispensary, telling myself the whole way “you don’t want this.” Yet I’ll still waste my little bit of money every day. I need to break this pattern but I literally feel physically stuck in this cycle. What can I do at 5pm everyday so I don’t go get high? I know this is pathetic but I’ve been trapped in this cycle for 5+ years and I feel physically chained to this drug. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 😭