Talk is cheap
I will make this one quick and short (so that this masrahyé can be concluded): To the hezbots who brigaded this subreddit the past few days, you can say whatever you want, do whataboutism, change the topic to ISIS (which all of us hate) and to the new syria. You can make fun of the dawlé and the lebanese army all you want.
What matters and the actual state now: - Your terrorist organization's upper-level commandement has been decimated, including Hassan Nasrallah. - You signed a surrender agreement after a year of a war where you achieved nothing worth mentioning. - You have around 5000 combatants (excluding any civilians, just to make it clear) that got injured during the pager attack and are likely not to be combat-ready any time soon. - The majority of your means to get financing are closed now, the dawlé is being very strict and are strengthening the airport security - As a consequence your Qard Al-Hassan is broke and many people who followed you got paid peanuts, some even got checks of 50 - 100 USD (wait why do you use american money?( - Many of your followers hid in our areas and towns, most are unthankful even till now and call us 3omala - You freed 0m² of your enemy's land - Your MPs hid in the parlament because they were scared of being killed by Israel - You became the laughing stock of lebanese and syrians
Talk on social media is very cheap. What matters are the results. Lhamdellah Allah khala hek ysir fikon w serto 3al ekhir