[NY] Can I reopen a small claims case that I withdrew from?
Hi everyone, today I went to court after plaintiff claimed they were not served properly and moved to vacate the initial case that I won via inquest. That said, I tried to explain to the judge that I paid the court fees and the subsequent filing, but she didn't take my word and said I needed more proof I summoned them. I was highly suggested by her to withdraw the case and just refile.
When I went downstairs to refile, I learned from the clerk they DID send it and did validly send the summons to the plaintiff, so now I am panicking I unessesarily withdrew for no reason and the judge was not understanding how summons worked. Am I able to reopen my small claims after I withdrew and prove I/the court did in fact notify them properly? This is in NYC btw, I plan to go to the clerk tomorrow to ask this anyway but wanted peace of mind before going tomorrow.