Birfdei injusthiss

Ai, Mr Mxyzptlk, fifs-dimenshenl imp, membr of da ICBCG, speshul poo dibishun, wuz catnapped toodei and taked to pokey pleis.

Wuz horribl. Yuu member last taim. Ai got too pokeys and wuz tol to loose wait? Ai iz starbing az it iz! Alwayz! If ai wuzn’t, wud ai be doing foodie dance? Ai iz big cat! Ai need da food!

Also, pokey people misgendered me!

An da hoomonz did it on mai birfdai! Soo! Soo! Soo!

Dey gotz me catnip as compawseishun/birfdai purrzent but itz nawt enuf. Ai maiself niid mor!

Pitcher iz mi biing ded frum hungar.

Ai, Mr Mxyzptlk, fifs-dimenshenl imp, membr of da ICBCG, speshul poo dibishun, wuz catnapped toodei and taked to pokey pleis.

Wuz horribl. Yuu member last taim. Ai got too pokeys and wuz tol to loose wait? Ai iz starbing az it iz! Alwayz! If ai wuzn’t, wud ai be doing foodie dance? Ai iz big cat! Ai need da food!

Also, pokey people misgendered me!

An da hoomonz did it on mai birfdai! Soo! Soo! Soo!

Dey gotz me catnip as compawseishun/birfdai purrzent but itz nawt enuf. Ai maiself niid mor!

Pitcher iz mi biing ded frum hungar.