Meowmy sayz wez can haz da pawty!!!

Diz mez (on rt) an sisfur Nix (on da udder rt...she noz reallyz asleepz) restin ups for da pawty

Henlo frenz. Yester-fureberz Iz showdedez youz all mai new enourmgouz best very fine box an wez talkededez aboutz habinz da pawty. Iz askdedez Meowmy aboutz diz an she sayz dat mez an sisfur Nix can haz da pawty on Thurmsdayz (da fureber afterz da next fureberz)! Shez sayz shez be gonez fur werkz all dayz an den goez to da gymz an den comez homez after many fureberz so shez no botherz uz. But shez doez sayz dat she likez da picturez ob da kittiez an udder frenz whoz gonna come to da pawty. Shez sayz shez wantz to makez surez dat if shez doez comez homez an da pawtyz stillz goinz on dat der noz meaniez sneakinz inz. But Iz tinkz iz mor acuz shez habz some sadz da last fewz fureberz. Shez sayz a fren didz da big dumz an da stoopidz an makez Meowmy an lotz ob herz hooman frenz habz da sadz. Soz Iz tinkz da picturez ob all ob da kittiez an udder frenz maybez halpz makez herz noz be soz sadz.

Soz pleasez comez to mai pawty. Iz habz da giangormouz very fine box an da few smaller very fine boxez in case some kittiez wantz der own very fine box or da illegally smolz ascared ob gettin lostz. An Nix knowz where da treatoz arez an Meowmy sayz wez gettin da very fine box frum da chooy place soonz an wez all knowz dat meanz da licky treatoz! But pleasez sendz me youz bery bestz picturez ob youz bein superz cutez or silliez or whateberz. Iz showz dem to Meowmy an maybez dey do da halpz herz noz be soz sadz.

(Meowmy here. Nothing scary going on. A friend who is in leadership in an organization which means a lot to me and many others was caught stealing money from the organization. It's a betrayal and difficult to deal with but ultimately the organization will recover and we hope they and their family will too. Pictures of kitty and other frenz would help make me smile. Also Kota really loves her very fine boxes and wants to share them with others who will appreciate them.)