Momma call mi namez somtimz but iz not mi name.

Hi ai iz Skoll. Somtimz mi momma call mi namez n ai no sure if it iz good or bad. She says ai her butter fly n pazz-n-ger prince. Ai know momma make food with butter n she no like flyz. I no know what the other name mean. Momma call brofer Panther n daddi callz him The Darknezzz. Thoze namez sound cooler.

Iz the namez momma call mi good or bad?

Hi ai iz Skoll. Somtimz mi momma call mi namez n ai no sure if it iz good or bad. She says ai her butter fly n pazz-n-ger prince. Ai know momma make food with butter n she no like flyz. I no know what the other name mean. Momma call brofer Panther n daddi callz him The Darknezzz. Thoze namez sound cooler.

Iz the namez momma call mi good or bad?