Need 2 purrnish pokey peepul who stoled my BLUDS

Hi frebnds, Harriet da Spy Cat here wif a TAIL OF WOE.

Today Meowmy tooked me to da pokey place for "annual checkup". Annual fuckup, more like. Da first pikchur is me gibing her sigh-lent treetment in da vroom box to pokey place.

Yu guyz. Dey pokeded da borthole. And dat was onlee da beginning!

Dey did pokey for Ray's Bees (why dis Ray guy always boddering aminals?) an da effy-are-seepee (FVRCP). I thawt dat wuz da end of it, like last time... but den dey TRY TAKE MY BLUDS. I need my bluds!

Meowmy holded me (traiturr) wile dey put a big pokey in my leg and it tooked all my bluds away. But wen da toob wuz almost fulled up, I did a MIGHTY KIK an da pokey fell out. I wuz so proud of me! But dey sed it wuznt enuf bluds in da toob, so dey had to start again (I fink dem pokey peepul is vampurrs...) So den dey do anudder big pokey in da udder leg! But now I mad so I do a BIG SCRËM an anudder MIGHTY KIK! Excep wuz maybe too mighty bepawse after da pokey fell out of my leg, my bluds start fall out too!!! Da pokey peepul gaved up on taking my bluds (haha I winned) an da stoopid pokey man hold tite my leg for many forebers and den put a tite wrappy fing on my leg.

Wen we got home I gib Meowmy more sigh-lent treetment, but den I saw she wuz leeking from her eyes an I stop bepawse I no like see Meowmy so sad. Den she gave me nosey kisses an feeded me my dinner, an also some of her dinner (SAMMON!), so I decide to forgib. Da second pikchur is me sleep on Meowmy legs rite meow. I lub Meowmy eben tho she help da pokey peepul try take my bluds. But I don't lub da pokey peepul so I want to ask how can Harriet purrnish dem? My ideaz:

  • send dem to bottom ob da ocean (but dat is where toona live and dey don't desurrv toona)

  • get dat Ray's Bees guy to go bodder dem (but not sure where to find him)

  • I don't got anudder idea

So wat you fink, frebnds?

-- Harriet da Spy Cat

(Meowmy here: Harriet needs a dental cleaning and my vet wants to do bloodwork ahead of any sedation. This is the first time she needed a blood draw, and I am so sad that we didn't get even one full tube for all that effort because she's going to have to go through it again (they can do it the morning of her cleaning, but that means I can't be there to comfort her). I know it's for her health but she was so scared, I've never heard her yowl like that. I'm grateful she's such a forgiving baby -- she's already back to her cuddly self.)