My Official Lego Games Update! (I have decided to add some other games to the "To Do" List!

Quick story Time! (FOR CONTEXT) I've been trying to replay and 100% some games on my current Xbox profile that I had already done before on my previous account that was lost (long story). When I began I decided to start with The Lego Games first since I was highly familiar with them (Thx childhood👍). I first replayed all my favorite Lego Games like the Lego Batman Trilogy, The 3 Lego Marvel Games, and Lego Star Wars Complete Saga! (Recently just 100% Lego Indiana Jones)

There were some other games on my list like Lego City Chase Undercover which I played on my DS (LOVED IT), and now wanna play the big console version! I also did Lego Star Wars 3 on the DS as well when I was little and thought it was good too! (I REALLY wanna play/Plan to do that one on Console!).

Lego DC Supervillians however I have NEVER TOUCHED! And Plan to Play that one! I'm very excited for starting it!

As for others like Lego Pirates, Lego Movie, Lego Incredibles, and Lego Jurrasic I decided to add these to my "To Do" List because they seem to be easy and fun 100% games, and I've been having a blast going through all these Lego Games that I just couldn't help myself to add these to the Play-list!

I've been having so much fun with these games that i decided to add Lego Indiana Jones 2 to the list because it don't seem too bad from what I've seen/heard from it. However I did try it a little bit on my DS when I was young as well as the Xbox, and the last time I tried it I thought it was meh. I know there is a split fan base with this game so we'll see how it goes for me when I 100% it! Lol

Sorry Lord of the Rings/Hobbit fans, but I could never get into that franchise so I'm not touching those Lego Games.

I've seen all the Harry Potter Movies only once! I thought they were good and was glad I saw em, But haven't been interested in watching them since.... idk just not for me and idk if I would do the Lego Harry Potter games so it ain't on my list either. Maybe one day if I randomly feel like it or some reason get reinvested into the franchise again

After talking to a lot of yall, I'm not Touching Lego Movie 2 Lmao

But once I am done with all these Games, I'm going for the BEAST LEGO STAR WARS THE SKYWALKER SAGA!!!!🙌

That's all I wanted to say, I hope you enjoy my Lego Journey...Blog Updates? Overviews? Idk what to call these lol