Don’t give up.

I could write about my experience in more detail but I’m going to keep it short. Just a few months ago, life seemed impossible. I’m not kidding. In this video I was fighting extreme anxiety before making a call to the doctors office about needing help for it. I had about a month until my yearly check up but I didn’t think that I’d be able to wait that long without help. My heart was pounding, I was terrified of the unknown. My anxiety made me fear my heartbeat, I was scared to work, I feared socializing, I sat in constant anxiety 24/7. I would search for hours what was wrong with me, why I couldn’t stop thinking, why my heart rate was so high, I wouldn’t exercise, I had panic attacks…today, after switching from Prozac to Lexapro over a month ago, (upped 10mg to 15mg on Lexapro) I’m feeling SO much better. Please know you are so much stronger than your anxiety. You are so much stronger than your depression. Let coping skills, medication, and time help you. Believe in yourself.