[online][pbp][pf1e][any timezone] Looking for 2 players fo a homebrew world

Two of the players had to drop from the game for different reasons so we (the players and I) are looking for two more (level 5, more below). The whole game will be text based. We may meet a couple of times in a voice call as a meeting if needed.
The story of the game is about the Chosen One as he learns and grows to save the world from an evil empire. The Chosen one has an assortment of companions that are there to help him learn and grow. A divine being has sent a powerful protector to watch over the Chosen one. He and the rest of the companions must help the chosen one learn and grow while protecting him and discovering the secrets of the evil empire.
We have played a few games in this world, and a lot of what is happening right now in the world is setting up for the events that happened in those other games. This game is ~500 years before any of those other games. Colleges are being built, religions are warring, dragons are have just emerged as a dominating force in the world. The evil empire is massive (ridiculously massive, not reasonable logistically massive). There will be dinosaurs, enchanted forests, horses, dungeons, BIG CITIES, small towns, angels, demons, undead lords, dragons lots of *magic* and other things!
The level of the players is not the same in this game. There are 6 players, 4 of which are level 5 (looking for two people in these spots) The Chosen One is level one, and the Divine Protecter is level 9. as the game goes on everyone will keep leveling at different rates with the goal of everyone being level 12 at the same time and then having the chosen one be level 15 with everyone else 14 for the final confrontation.
The chose one is a spear based fighter, the two level 5's are a wrathful Leshy alchemist druid, and a dwarven forgemaster, the Divine Protector is a Paladin.
If you are interested please respond to this post with why you want to join this game. And a character concept if you have one.[online]