[online][EST][5E] looking for 1-3 players for post apocalyptic fantasy game

Hi, my name is Calvin (my discord is calvinipanini) and I’m looking for 1-3 players for my post apocalyptic fantasy game set in an alternate version of the Forgotten Realms. The campaign will take place on Saturdays 8-11 pm EST. Below is a preview of the world of the campaign:

Unlike in the normal timeline where the spell plague is cured and the weave is restored, in this campaign there was no such luck. After over a 100 years of chaos the world is barely recognizable. Many of the great cities of Toril have been destroyed, the lands of the world corrupted by the spell plague, and continents reshaped by blue fire. The few who remain in this world now live in havens, small communities untouched by the horrors of this new world. You will come from these havens, hopefully saving the world before it can destroy itself.