[Online] [5e 2014] [21+] [Female only group] [LGBTQ+] [Roleplay heavy] [Homebrew] [Weekly] [Fridays 7 PM] [GMT] Looking for one more player for a female only group!
Hello everyone! We are in search of one more player for our D&D 5e female only group. We are currently on session 9 with four players, and I felt like the campaign could benefit from having an extra player.
(This is a repost just to get more attention! If you already applied, don't worry, your application is being reviewed still.)
Before applying, please keep in mind:
- Sessions will be weekly, on Fridays at 7 PM GMT+0. You must be able to make this time reliably.
- We use Roll20 for the game and discord for VC. If you don't know how to use Roll20, fear not! I will teach you.
- You will need a decent mic and reliable internet. We only use audio so no webcam needed.
- While we are looking for a player, we are also searching for someone who could fit well in our established group and is willing to make the time to hangout/play games together. Looking for a friend, essentially!
- This is a roleplay-heavy campaign, with a 70/30 roleplay to combat split. As such, we need someone who can make a compelling character, with a rich backstory, capable of making meaningful connections with PCs/NPCs.
- The party is currently at level 4 and have a Rogue, Wizard, Cleric, and Artificer. As such, we have the INT skills covered already, so you may need to play a class that covers a different area.
- This campaign requires a bit of familarizing yourself with lore, as it is a homebrew setting.
- The sessions' audio is recorded only for the group to access in case of players missing sessions/wanting to listen back to some moments. It is not available to anyone else.
If this all sounds like it fits you, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSyK3rVcpKhQM095wimLs0z8GhJ5PxH-3FCDREH0ZCMqEtww/viewform?usp=dialog
If you sound like a good fit, I will reach out to you on discord for an interview. In the meantime, if you have any questions please put them in the comments or message me directly!