Libra behavior from a non-Libra!

Background: I’m a Libra sun, Venus, Mercury, on and on, most of my placements are Libra. But Scorpio rising and Jupiter as well as Cancer moon. So I’m very Libra and nicely balanced out with my big Scorpio placements.

My boyfriend is a Scorpio sun, Pisces moon, Leo rising, with a bunch of Scorpio and Sag placements, but only his Mars in Libra. He’s a great match for me.

TL;DR - my boyfriend is thoughtful, pays attention, and puts aside his personal feelings to make me happy and is sooo Libra like that


Today is kind of a big deal for me. I celebrated 2.5 years clean, serene, and substance free.

I had told him a while ago that I like to celebrate my half-year anniversaries, today, and my full-year anniversaries, 8/20.

He suggested we have a nice dinner out on those days. Well, he has shingles right now and won’t leave the house because of the way he looks.

My ex-husband was terrible about commemorating my anniversaries, so I wanted to make sure that my boyfriend remembered and so I wouldn’t get mad at him.

I asked him yesterday, “could you put reminders on your calendar for my half-year and full-year anniversaries if you haven’t already?”

He said he already did and that’s why he asked if I’d be home all day today because he sent me something.

WELL, here’s his Libraness - 1) he remembered to put reminders on his calendar and didn’t need reminding 2) he was so thoughtful to do something even tho we’re not able to celebrate together 3) he hates using delivery services, but still ordered me a Black Forest cake, my favorite, from the bakery he remembered I like to order it from and USED UBER EATS.

Thoughtful, pays attention, is able to put aside his feelings to make me happy.