Need insight into Libra man I’m seeing

Capricorn sun with Leo moon here, starting seeing this Libra man (Taurus moon) causally. We both were not looking for anything serious. Very charming, easy to talk to. I recently broke things off because I was catching feelings. He’s a big cuddler, always calling me pet names so naturally started to fall for him 🙄

After some time apart lately I have been hanging out with him more as friends, he will send me dirty text messages here & there but overall I have been trying to keep things platonic. Lately he’s been asking me for favors here & there - like can I borrow X,Y,Z - or can I have this, so I’ve been seeing him more plus I genuinely enjoy his company & i’m happy to help a friend out. He’s been going out of his way to help me with things. Showering me with compliments on how I look & my style. This is my first Libra so I might be ignorant here but do Libra men tend to act this way with everyone? We are both scorpio Venuses is that helps.