Sharing an article about “hypercoagulation” - seems very similar to a number of lipedema symptoms
So someone posted the other day about how eating a low histamine diet helped with the appearance of her legs. I went down a histamine intolerance rabbit hole and found a post by a woman on the histamine intolerance sub talking about being diagnosed with “hypercoagulation”. Her legs looked just like mine in her before photo! (I’m diagnosed with lipedema so I’m not trying to imply people who think they have lipedema don’t actually have it. Just that there may be some overlap here).
I’ve been reading about this, and there isn’t a lot I can find about it, but some of these symptoms resemble lipedema symptoms:
•generalized pain, deep aching pain, or sharp stabbing pain (I get all of these in my legs)
•restless leg syndrome
•pain upon sitting for extended periods
•cold hands or feet (I have cold spots all over my legs and feet)
•mottled skin
•edema in legs (!!!!), redness in feet
The best news of all is this can be confirmed with a test, and treated with an enzyme that breaks down fibrin (which is something that coats our arterial walls) to allow our veins to be more…. bendy, I guess? I don’t understand it too much, just that too much fibrin production makes our veins and arteries stiff and causes hypercoagulation.
I may see about getting tested for this. Just posting it here if anyone else is interested as well.
Another thing I wanted to mention was that a LOT of people in r/histamineintolerance talk about having “heavy legs”. It seems like if you have both lipedema and histamine intolerance, addressing your histamine intolerance can help with the appearance of your legs.