TRE and Spirituality Question
I know bringing up spirituality here is controversial since that one post but bare with me. Out of all the subreddits I find people's inputs in this sub most level headed and informative so I will shoot my shot. If this post is not allowed just remove it and I'll PM the mods and ask.
I started TRE after going to a Vipassana retreat from the Goenka lineage. While there I realized my mind is an absolute mess and a laundry list of other things to put it lightly... Since going I have started TRE and therapy. Since then I have quit meditating. I know for some people it helps them with integration but intuitively it just wasn't the right practice for me at that time. I found great success with TRE and my mind is very quiet now. It's feels natural and effortless for me to meditate now. I also have a ridiculous increase in energy. This manifests itself in craving running twice a day and 5 hours of sleep. I have PCOS so I've researched maximizing sleep time and quality at one point. So I know 5 hours is below the ideal standard for adults but it can't be helped. Luckily I feel great upon waking up. These changes have caused me to rethink quitting meditation and put my thinking cap on for integrating new physical practices in my life.
- With these things going on I wanted to ask where do I go from here?
- Suggestions on new practices or better approaches to my past practices ( more info below)?
- What is the map? I know everyone's journey is different so I'm asking for information on possible paths.
In the past I have practiced Hatha Yoga and currently I practice Tai Chi. I decided to stick with Tai Chi over yoga because it felt better for controlling energy. I steered clear from any yoga after an "incident" where I did (with an instructor present) 21 Surya Namaskar and I had very woo woo experiences right after that I won't get into details here. I am no expert but I attribute it to too much energy rising while I still had blockages. These conclusions are all from my silly, intuitive brain.
And goes without saying the TRE train will continue it's scheduled programming regardless what practices get integrated alongside it :)