How does one break bad eating habits formed since childhood?

Hey ya’ll! I just wanted to make this post since I noticed a very persistent and alarming habit that I have had since I was a child (and probably formed when I was a child) and I suspect that it’s also hindering me from making progress with losing weight.

When I was younger, my parents had to work abroad to sustain our financial needs so I was left in the care of my aunt. I would remember having breakfast with her and it would always be chaos because she would always very firmly instruct me to finish my food before I would have to start to get ready for school. This meant that I had to finish my breakfast at 5AM, in the ass crack of dawn, just before the school bus comes to pick me up.

I remember having to force myself to finish my food because I would not be allowed to leave the dining table if there was still food left on my plate. Growing up, I carried this habit and I would catch myself that at times where I would cook too much food, even if I was already very full, I would still pressure myself to finish all of the food even if I had already started to feel sick/bloated from eating too much.

I also hate seeing food waste and try to minimize it as much as possible.

Is there an easier way to break this habit? I always pressure myself in the back of my mind to finish all my food because it’s what I always had to do since I was a kid.

I really started to notice this habit of mine whenever my partner and I would have meals together, she would always leave little bits of food on her plate and that never really bothered her.

TLDR I need tips on how to break the habit of constantly wanting to finish all of the food on my plate

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!