Another update from Lost Ark Lover(Cpt Jack Party) and people's assumption from their setup change.

Youtube Announcement (+ translator)

He made another announcement that they are not streaming today as well. At this point, I guess they are not going to stream until they or someone else clear the raid. (Cap holder is mistranslated, and it actually means shortened form of Captain Jack's Editor - Capditor)

People's assumption based on their armory change.

  1. There once was a time that their card set changed to KLC and MOS, which made people wonder if dark damage is needed. But some time after that, they all changed back to LOS and LWC. They probably have encountered new phase that's weak against dark damage or they might have just done Kayangel during break time.

Cpt Jack with KLC

  1. Gavi(paladin) once swapped VPH toCrushing Fist for a while, which seemed like a smart move considering how many counters Thaemine uses in G4. But soon he reverted to original VPH setup. Some of Esther/Sidereal +8, once changed their unity to Wei, but now it seems like Dduddi(GL) actually put extra VPH instead of Grudge and seems like everyone is back to Thirain/Balthorr unity. People are asusming that there is a very tough stagger check on G4.5(G4-2/G5 or w/e you call it), which is very likely x206 mech from this post since it has its own achievement.

Achievement : Stagger Thaemine during Black wave mech

Dduddi with VPH

Also DB from their party put Twin Shadows (DB's highest stagger skill) instead of Void Strike.

Twin Shadows

They already have good stagger comp (GL, pally, Zerker, Slayer) but seems like they still need more for this stagger check.

  1. Bonus) Information from data mining:

It's a bit of spoiler, but all first clear parties are already keeping these in mind, after someone openly posted these achievements.

Crash(a.k.a. Osu mech) great success.

Description: Perfectly execute all cases during the crash with Thaemine, the one who conquered the star.

There's an achievement for perfectly executing Osu mech on Thaemine G5.

Great Crash

Descrpition: Use certain Sidereal skill in specific pattern during the combat against Thaemine, the one who conquered the star.

And it is very likely that there's a hidden Kadan during that pattern. If you see the icon, the one on the left side is Navinos, Kadan's sword.

Apart from those, there's nothing special. Achievements from clearing the raid, and getting its mount. So it is very likely there's no extra phase.

Well that's all. I personally enjoyed watching their progress, but if they prioritize first clear over streaming it, it's their choice. I wish anyone can clear Thaemine within this week and let us see the whole fight.