The Biggest Lost Media In Turkey [Fully Lost]

[I apologize for my bad English. }

Hello, I would like to tell you about a strange incident that allegedly happened in a program called “Hugo” broadcast in 1995.

Tolga Gariboğlu, who was once a very popular and tolerant man in Turkey, carried the program called “Hugo” from Denmark to the Turkish screens, and in the incident that took place in 1995, there was a child who connected from Diyarbakır, Turkey. According to the allegations, a 6-7 year old boy named “Alp” or “Alperen” participated in the Hugo competition program by phone. At first, the child, who spoke to Tolga Gariboğlu as a cute child, was filled with anger because he could not press the keys of the phone as the program started. He lost his 3 lives in the program at the very beginning of the program. With the anger of this, the child swore very heavily to the character named Hugo.

Most people who witnessed this moment said that the program was on live broadcast when this happened, and Tolga Gariboğlu said, “Dear, what are you saying, does it suit a nice boy like you?” and then in a super funny way, the child is known to swear at Tolga Garibaoğlu immediately after these words.

This was engraved in the minds of Turkey as a funny event that did not fall off the tongue. The only problem is that there is no record of this incident. Although I searched for hours, I could not find any information other than 3 results.

Here is the information I reached:

  1. The boy who swore is a 6 or 7 year old boy from Diyarbakır, Turkey, whose name is remembered as “Alp” or “Alperen”.

  2. We contacted Osman, a cameraman at “Kanal 6” where the incident took place, and he confirms that the incident took place, saying that it happened in 1995.

  3. Tolga Gariboglu, the host of the program and a big part of our story, appeared as a guest on a program broadcast in Turkey, where he said that this incident never happened. But this was refuted by everyone who watched the live broadcast and is still accepted as true.