Porn provided at IVF clinics by default

I have a friend who is going through IVF with her partner, and told me that apparently in the sperm donation clinics they have TV’s with pornhub automatically installed. It’s the only thing you can access on these TV’s and that’s just like… baffling to me? I’m not with someone who uses porn and I’m not planning to have kids so it doesn’t affect me, but it just sucks how ubiquitous porn is that the fertility clinic assumes men will always want it and provide it for them. Like okay if you’re a single guy donating sperm, whatever, but do you not have a phone? Could you not use Google? And if I WAS going through fertility issues and essentially conceived a kid with my partner, but he was using other women to do it, I would lose my mind.

Just insane how normalized porn is that the fertility clinic provides it for men. To me it just reinforces the idea that men are incapable of getting off without it.