The unfounded hate for Chloe is annoying

I had a thought that I should write some posts about the most unjustified criticism regarding Lucifer, that I saw on this sub. There are some that annoys me very much, but the worst is the "I hate what Chloe did in the beginning of S4". I saw it so many times, that I lost count. The problem is: nothing wrong with Chloe's character there actually, nothing wrong with her motivations and acts. It's also a very realistic, logically consistent and well-written storyline, with great acting from both Tom and Lauren. I really think that the haters here had zero empathy or they totally didn't follow the plot, or didn't watch that few episodes at all

So I will explain what's happened there, at the end of S3 and at the beginning of S4, and why you can't blame Chloe. Sorry for the angry tone, but I really want to bring justice for Chloe regarding to this topic

At first: S3 E24 end, Cain and his men pointed guns at Chloe and Lucifer. Don't forget that Chloe stepped in front of Lucifer when Cain threatened him. She wanted to protect him - and she did this as a mortal, with one fragile life. Chloe fainted after the gunshot, Lucifer brought her to the helipad. After he was sure Chloe is okay, he flew back to Cain, and disappeared behind Chloe. That was the point where Chloe started to realize that maybe Lucifer is REALLY the Devil himself (she survived the gunfire somehow, while she thought she will die there). Many people attacked Chloe's character that she didn't find out Lucifer is the Devil on her own - actually, she found out on her own. She told it to Ella and Dan in the phone, while she was up on the helipad. It was of course not 100% for her but she admitted maybe she just avoided the biggest truth. At the very end of the episode Lucifer killed Cain, Chloe saw it, and also saw his devil face. Also don't forget Cain was Chloe's ex-fiance and Chloe never ever saw Lucifer killed someone before.

After the big revelation, Chloe disappeared. People who saw Lucifer's Devil-face earlier, went totally insane or mentally ill. Remember Linda's freeze and fear, Jimmy Barnes, the fake-priest from S1, Lindsey from S1E4, or Reese? Chloe on the other hand, remained pretty logical, and went to the Vatican to research. She realized she was in love with the Devil, and she needed answers.

Just think about it a little. Chloe was a non-believer, an atheist in her entire life, and she just found out that Heaven and Hell are real places, there is a real Devil, and what she thought earlier about the world, is wrong. She was in shock. She was in complete fear, because what she knew about the Devil that he is the embodiment of evil. She also had no supporters. She didn't know about Linda, or Charlotte (who was already dead), asking Amenadiel and Maze wasn't an option. She was alone with this knowledge.

In the Vatican, Father Kinley started to manipulate Chloe and made her fears worse. Even there Chloe tried to be rationale, just remember when she said that "speaking as a detective, these are circumstantial evidence at best". She also defended Lucifer not just once, and told Kinley that maybe he changed, maybe he is not that monster from the books anymore (she also told Dan that Charlotte's death wasn't Lucifer's fault).

She lied to him, yes. But again, she was manipulated by Kinley. She also thought that she's doing this for the greater good, for humanity. Many Reddit commenter blame her that she wanted to hurt or kill Lucifer. It's NOT true. The plan was that she give Lucifer the sedative, call Kinley, who will perform an exorcise and it will send back Lucifer to Hell. And even with this knowledge, she was hesitant and had second thoughts, and also stalled the date from day to day. And she didn't do that because of fear, she did that because she loved him, and she didn't WANT to believe he is evil.

Why she let herself to be manipulated? Well, actually she didn't (despite of she was in a really fragile mental state), but you have to remember the exact timeline for S4E2 for this.

At first: Kinley convinced her about the plan. When she returned, she was in horrible fear and shock when she was next to Lucifer. S4E1 proves that, first the scene on the bridge when Chloe freaked out when Lucifer touched her, and the end of the episode when Chloe was crying in the church. In E2 we saw that Chloe tried to learn Lucifer's side of the story. She asked Lucifer about killing Pierce and about Hell after the interrogation of The Cabin cast.

Later Kinley mentioned to Chloe, that the Devil only cares about himself, does manipulate humans since the beginning of time, perfecting his act, and that the Devil is the Prince of Lies. When Chloe responded that Lucifer always tells the truth and he does not lie, Kinley told something to her that freaked out Chloe: What if this is the biggest lie at all?

Interrogating the producer didn't go well, and when Lucifer lost his temper, Chloe asked him directly: You really do only care about yourself, don't you? It was the point when the first time ever Chloe had thoughts that maybe Kinley is right! BUT, it was not convincing enough. The turning point was the explosion. Chloe screamed in agony when it happened, as she saw Lucifer, her love, in the fire. AFTER Lucifer walked out from the fire, Chloe finally thought that Lucifer manipulated her all the time, and it's just an act. It was not true, but that was the point where Kinley's manipulation became succesfull. It was the point where Chloe decided she will help Kinley. Just think about the conversation later: "I made some adjustments - of course you did". "I've always been honest with you, Detective. And I always will be" - and just look at Chloe's face after Lucifer's words. It was the first time Chloe DIDN'T believe him. Don't forget, at this point Chloe didn't know that SHE makes Lucifer vulnerable.

After the little incident with the wine, Chloe did outburst with her questions, and confronted Lucifer with the manipulation and lies she thought about - it was an amazing performance from Lauren!!! After Lucifer told her about his vulnerability, Chloe just realized immediately that it's the real truth, and it was Kinley's real plan with Chloe. After the axe scene, we could saw Chloe's total regret, and after cut Lucifer's chest, she apologized - but not just for the scar, we knew she apologized for everything that happened. And yes, Lucifer had the right to feel betrayed later, no question, but it was NOT Chloe's fault. She behaved like any other people would in her place

IMO this storyline was cool, and it was a needed and neccessary step to Chloe on the path accepting Lucifer as the Devil