Convince me to get the 14in Pro over 15in Air
I've had pretty unbiased answers on the macbook sub. Wanted to see what the slightly more biased pro gang has to say:
Main question: How noticeable is the 1 inch real estate loss going from 15 in to 14 in (I'm on a 2019 13in mbp, so I don't have a reference point - and I won't be able to go to an Apple store for at least another 3 weeks).
With the M4 Airs finally releasing in my region, and the M4 Macbook Pros being about half a year old (and thus being on 5-8% discount), Apple pricing logic:
15 inch M4 Air, 16gb RAM, 512SSD vs 14 inch MBP 16ram, 512ssd
I can get the MBP for $80 more. I tend to keep my devices for 5-6 years (with switching to silicon, maybe even longer), so the $80 is negligible.
Do I cop the pro - active cooling, 120hz screen, better sound system (I'm always working from coffee shops and have dedicated earbuds, so this is unimportant), but same weight as the larger 15in Air (and obviously 1 inch smaller).
Or the air - fanless design (I doubt I'll ever get any cpu throttling for my usecases), 60hz screen, comparatively worse sound system (again, irrelevant), but 1 inch bigger?
I don't binge Netflix, rarely watch youtube, but I work from coffee shops and mainly rely on just a 1-display setup, do a TON of small-text and image based writing/editing and my general usecases are, for today's, i.e. M4 standards, quite light (figma, canva, running 30 chrome tabs open, editing short-format vids + 5-8min youtube capcut).