Feeling deeply regretful
SPM 2023 leaver here, I'm writing this because I regret my choices of going to a private uni to continue my foundation. I rejected matriks and my UPU offers because it required me to move out and stay on campus, and I couldn't cause one of my family members was in critical condition and my parents asked that I at least stay with them before they go. I'm in the final sem for my foundation and to be honest, I don't want to continue my studies here, I don't like the environment or the people here.
My point is that I regret not taking matriks cause I wanted to prioritize not taking out loans or to financially burden my family. I really want to continue my studies at a public uni. I was thinking of either using my foundation result in UPUOnline or reusing my SPM 2023 result to apply for diplomas before continuing to degree.
I'd like suggestions on what I should do, and no, not interested in going into other private uni as the top ones are expensive.