Symptoms of "Mommy issues"

I'm 20 years old. I began to notice that I seem to share basically all of the symptoms of having "mommy issues". The fear of abandonment, the clingyness towards women in my romantic relationships, the longing for those women to take care of me and praise me. Wipe my tears, hold me, and tell me that i'm doing a good job. I am very afraid of confrontation with women, and whenever any woman has raised their voice at me I begin to feel so small. It makes me terrified of confrontation with women. It makes me feel like I cannot argue with my romantic partners, so what they want is more important than what I want. When it comes to women that I feel romantic attraction towards, I cling to them as if my life depends on it. My every thought surrounds them and the fear of them leaving me alone. I seem to also only find relationships with women who like to be just as clingy and have the same issues but with men.

The thing is, this would make total sense to me if I had some strained relationship with my mother, but I don't. My mom and I have a healthy relationship. I have a healthy relationship with both of my parents. We talk on a fairly regular basis and we aren't distant or anything like that. I wouldn't say I am super dependent on her. She helps me pay for school and I'm always welcome home. I don't long for her attention nor do I hate it. Our relationship is very normal.

I know there is probably no simple answer, and all of these feelings are complex, but is there any way I can rationalize this? How can I understand what my problem is?

tldr: I have all of these symptoms of "mommy issues", but no issues with my mom. What is wrong with me?