Poor Performance Gang

Hey folks! I'm loving the game, but the performance is really upsetting. I've upgraded my GPU since the launch and keep seeing similar issues with the game despite the increase in horsepower. Specifically I seem to have pretty good performance when I first launch the game after restarting, but if I come back to the game later it seems like the performance deteriorates. I've had mild lag and frame drops, and I've had a completely unplayable state where my video and audio cuts out.

I've been suspicious about the pattern and poked around my task manager only to find that there were a BUNCH of MarvelRivals_Launcher.exe processes hanging out in my background. Clearing these out fixed my issues without having to restart.

So I started testing by opening and closing the game and noticed that each time the game leaves behind a new launcher in the background. Is this consistent with what other folks having issues with the game - especially those with similar usage patterns - are seeing?