PS5 Keyboard and Mouse Support

The game is unplayable on PS5 with a controller, this game is definitely designed to be played with mouse and keyboard.

Many characters require quick movements combined with constant camera adjustments, which must be precise for effective gameplay—Spider-Man being a prime example. Many characters are HitScan, drastically reducing their effectiveness when played with a controller, such as Winter Soldier and Hawkeye. As a result, the most viable characters tend to be melee fighters or those with attacks that don’t demand pinpoint accuracy.

The game is undeniably fun, but it’s frustrating not to be able to enjoy certain heroes that seem incredibly entertaining simply because they aren’t viable on a controller. Many other games, like Fortnite and Call of Duty, already support keyboard and mouse on the PS5. It’s baffling that this isn’t a standard feature across all games—especially in a competitive hero shooter teeming with hitscans and skillshots.

Honestly, I’ve lost the desire to play because I don’t have a gaming PC at the moment, so my only option is to use a controller on the PS5. However, I feel that this severely limits players’ ability to fully express their skills. For this reason, I’ve decided to stop playing until keyboard and mouse support is implemented. I believe many players share the same sentiment, which is why I think it’s a worthwhile effort for the developers. Adding this feature would likely attract even more players to the game.