solo q marvel rivals ranked is actually hell.

I basically have to solo queue since most of my friends that have time to play are console players. Some used to be PC players but they betrayed me and switched to console so I'm basically on my own. I made it to diamond. But the rank is worse than I thought. Basically the same shit over and over, teammates who have no accountability and can't play their roles. Some don't even have comms. Also the same type of ego-infested DPS whos dying all the time, tanks who dive or don't create space, supports who don't support. One game we could all plays as a team and the others it's like fighting for who can get the most kills.

Also, I'm a girl. I don't play shooter games as much as I used to before my studies and sport but almost every game I have encountered a few sexist people and honestly rivals isn't that bad. But occasionally, I'll get teammates who will ban my mains after they find out I'm a girl or call me names while they're jerking off in the corner and throwing because they're mad. But yeah, comp is hell.