I muted all communication during games
So like the title suggests I recently just went scorched earth on as many team communication features as I could during a match. I had gotten to a point where everyone constantly being negative left me with the personal ultimatum of either mute everything and every one or stop playing the game. I obviously went with the former and found out some things that could be helpful to people so here's a list.
I never played smart with all the distractions.
This may just be a me thing but with all the cross talk chatter and bickering that goes on I often just fell back into the usual mindset of run at point with team and die to factors while team increases the blame game until they use the scoreboard to find the villain of the match. after I turned all that off I was able to focus on things like map layout and what was causing the most problems for our push and swap around accordingly.I'm less likely to get into loss chains.
So since I'm able to play slightly better and learn my roles more effectively within the match I'm actually winning more. Don't get me wrong its not every match but because I'm feeling better about myself even in a loss I'm able to play better for longer. I often found myself losing for purely stupid reasons that I would have never done if I was in my right mindset. I was literally losing because the toxicity over the course of 10 consecutive losses had beaten me down to the point I made the ultimatum.understanding good and bad communication.
I'll be honest most of the time when people typed or communicated it was actually worthless. the rare time I had teammates that had good callouts was so few and far between that I literally found myself saying that no communication would be better then what I'm dealing with. since I didn't have people yelling in my ear about people playing poorly I was able to actually hear that someone was in our backline from sound cues or just seeing wolverine stealing our tanks.Saying someone is bad at their class will make them play worse.
to be fair this may not be an everyone thing but I found that every time I got called out for being bad my play started to nose dive. any sort of need to prove the other person wrong or play the role that they think id be better at put me in such a poorer position within the game that I might as well have just left for the amount of good it got us. All the negativity would just compound over the course of the session to so mistakes would get made and eventually Id just be on a de ranking spree.Once I stopped communicating losses stopped feeling so bad.
only having my own internal monologue go off after a match was allot easier to deal with then everyone going on a witch hunt for the person with the lowest score. I was able to focus on the thing I enjoy and I started to have fun again.
IMO having fun is the single most important thing about a game. It doesn't matter if your winning or losing as long as people are enjoying themselves. now don't get me wrong there is a limit for everything. Don't go having fun at the expense of others but I found at least for me keeping communication on just wound up ruining the game for me.