Quick play is becoming way too toxic
Decided to have a game before work this morning. I don't get much time to play during the week but woke up early and decided to just have some mindless fun in quick play.
I haven't had much of a chance to play since 1.5 started and ho boy, people were making that pretty clear to me and berating me for it. Seriously, why is quick play this bad? I'm a lord with Spider-Man and am now changing my portrait back to the default one because people just give me shit for not getting more than 18 kills a game now, it's exhausting man. We all have our bad games but Christ, what's going on? I like Spidey's movement mechanics and combat but it seems unless I get more than 12k damage and more than a dozen kills people will just give me shit. I had a game that wasn't even 20 seconds in before it started before the player was berating me to change because I got unlucky with a death at the start by a Hawkeye sniper.
What do you guys do when you have games like this? Whenever it happens I end up doing worse because I'm overthinking every small thing I'm doing then end up missing more because of it on top of that.